About me

I am new to the world of blogs and I’m here to talk about one of the things that fascinates me the most: the human mind.

While my college studies touched upon psychology that wasn’t their main focus, but I’ve always found intriguing how people, including myself, perceive the same situations differently. An experience can be lovely to one, a cliché to another, and uncanny and eerie for someone else.

The ways we react and choose to interact with the world are built up from the life we have lived and the variations in each person produce a sea of possible outcomes. And there’s that one little thing that can decide the fate of a soul all by itself: Free will.

Our will can be influenced by outsiders, by the environment and people, but it is your own. Even under terrible hardship and personal danger, an human being can still choose to do the right thing… and with a deluge of opportunities and all the reasons to act in the name of good, another can choose to surrender their life to a sinister act.

Being inquisitive on these topics has earned me some attention from my peers, and not always positive, but focusing on the good people that wanted to help me channel my own curiosity the word “Perceptive” has come to mean something for me.

The world is vast and complex; there is too much to see it all. But I want to see more than most and it would be an honor to have anyone else join me in this exploration.

Photo by Ethan Sees from Pexels


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