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A journey of coding in a blog about human behavior

  As days pass and I become more focused in writing code my other passtimes and interests seem to lose some of their shine. Indeed, video games are endearing and a good story along good gameplay is marvelous. A book on psychology or fiction are an stimulating activity. And working out is so very necesary, revitalizing and energetic, like breathing chaos out and peace in while meditating.  And yet, all these things lose priority in the face of opening my notes and trying to solve the next lesson. As everything, this enthusiasm will pass. But for a now, making code a central piece of my blog, or atleast a piece, would produce me... more interest. More outlets for my convoluted and occasionally anxious thoughts. I don't know if anyone will ever read this... the blog is more of a journal, one that I've been taking more seriously than writing in the privacy of my Notion account. Why is this? I don't know. Not yet. But I don't mind.  Mystery is an essential part in the wo

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